About First Judicial District CASA Association
First Judicial District CASA Association is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Our agency provides three main programs for children and families in our communities including the Child Advocacy Center (CAC), Child Exchange and Visitation Center (CEVC), and trained Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Volunteers to advocate for children in our Judicial District. Additionally, CASA facilitates three classes available to the community including General Responsibilities As Separating Parents (GRASP), a Parenting in the Twenty-First Century Class and a Love and Logic based Parenting Class.
Protecting children today for stronger families tomorrow by providing trained, court appointed volunteers to advocate for the best interests of children and youth.
A community where all children grow up with pleasant memories of childhood and healthy relationships with the people they call family.
For every child who needs us; we envision a trained advocate, safe home, and promising future.

Providing a safe child focused environment where child abuse victims can tell their stories and take the first steps toward the happy and healthy childhood they deserve.
Learn More About Our Programs
Commitment to Equal Opportunity
All First Judicial District CASA Association (FJDCA) programs and personnel shall recognize and respect the rights of our consumers and stakeholders. FJDCA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation and gender identity.
For more information, please see our Civil Rights and Non-Discrimination Policy.